
My Recovery Timeline From "FEM-POP" Surgery

November 18, 2021 Femoral Popliteal Bypass:  My Recovery Timeline From “FEM-POP” Surgery       I decided to write this blog to document my recovery, and also help others that may be going through the same situation. Hopefully, the information you find here will give you some good tips, but most of all, hope that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.       So let's start with a little background. I’m 50 years old and lead a fairly active lifestyle. I’m an Army Veteran and former UPS driver of 20 years. I’m still currently employed with UPS but now work on the “Ramp” (Airport). Marshaling, loading, unloading, etc. Not as physical as being a driver, but still on my feet for over 12 hours a day. I’m not a smoker but enjoy a cigar once in a blue moon. I also don’t drink alcohol on a daily basis, maybe a few beers a month, if any. According to every doctor that’s examined me, I’m in excellent health for my age. In hindsight, there were signs of a...